The Black Sheep Open at Scotland’s Machrihanish Dunes is for golfing insiders, not outsiders. Normally, the black sheep of the family is the one who makes dubious choices. Deciding to compete in the inaugural Black Sheep Open at the Village at Machrihanish Dunes ( in Scotland on August 29–30, however, seems like a surefire winner. Hebridean black sheep will make a ceremonious return to the David McLay Kidd-designed course for their seasonal lawn-mowing role; starting at £249, competitors get three days/two nights accommodations, a practice round, tournament play, prizes, dinner and Scottish breakfast, an awards luncheon, and more. You can adopt a black sheep for £35—no, you can’t take it home, but you do get a picture and bio of your quadruped plus a voucher for a free round of golf, where you can do a sheep meet-and-greet as he or she grooms the course. And please: Don’t eat any haggis in front of the animal.